

Mine Engineers’ Certificate of Competency

The Mine Engineers’ certificates of competency are licences to practice at a South African mine. These certificates are issued to a competent person who can be appointed legally to perform duties of a mine engineer at a South African mine as stipulated in the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) as amended and its regulations.

There are two types of Mine Engineers’ certificates of competency (Mines and Works):

  • Mine Engineers’ certificates of competency - Electrical
  • Mine Engineers’ certificates of competency - Mechanical

A candidate must apply to the Department of Mineral Resources to commence with training as an Engineer at a South African mine. The candidate must be exposed, assessed and found competent in all the Annexure E modules by a Resident Engineer.

A candidate can only apply to write the examination the Mine Engineers’ certificate of competency after the Department of Mineral Resources assessed the submitted documents. It is imperative that the submitted documents are accompanied by a fully completed Annexure E.

It is only after the candidate completed the written examination and is found competent by the Department of Mineral Resources that a Mine Engineers’ certificate of competency is issued. The written examination consists of two subjects, i.e. Legal Knowledge and Plant Engineering.

The process of co-ordination and acceptance of Mine Engineers’ certificate of competency candidates, including the issuing of certificates, is done at the Head Office component of the Department of Mineral Resources.

All applications and enquiries - acceptance as a candidate and acceptance to write examinations - should be directed to



Year Plan - MECC 2020
Mine Engineers'Certificate of Competency